mental health
Where Have I Been?
To work through trauma, you have to revisit the trauma. That brings up old memories and body sensations from when you were in that traumatic moment. As a result, I have been looking at ways to look after myself in all aspects of my life.
I’m making many changes this year in many different areas, at least for this first part of it, and I will see if anything else changes later in the year post-therapy.
When my Mental Health Dips …
At the end of November 2022, I took a massive mental nose dive that scared me so much that I self-referred for more therapy then and there. I was at work that day, and my manager and colleague supported me, as always. We agreed that I would step back from sales and serving for a few weeks to observe them and see if I could pick up anything new to try when serving customers. Stepping back helped me a ton because it helped me gain a better perspective of things, both inside and outside of work.
Currently, I’m Loving … Future-Proofing Myself
Something I got from Hannah Marcotti a few years ago, is where you do self-care for yourself in the future.
It's things that will make your time more effective in the future as well as your days hopefully running a bit smoother and therefore with a heck of a lot less stress.
Essentially, what can you do this morning to make our day better later and what can you do today to make your day better tomorrow?