Job Update Two Years In
Because I have done the work to look at my limiting beliefs and gained an honest view of who I actually am from facts and not from someone’s opinion of who they think I am or who they believe I am, my confidence has grown. My anxiety has lowered, and I'm much better at stopping negative thoughts now, so I don’t get stuck in a negative self-talk track and end up in a downward spiral.
Happy Belated Second Blogaversary!
I realised this week while looking back through some of my previous posts on here, that I missed my second blogaversary! With all the crazy that's been going on the last few months especially, I guess it was understandable for it to slip my mind. I know I've not been very good at posting regularly for the majority of this year, and I actually can't remember the last time I did post before lockdown.
May, Myself and I; Black and White
Black and white. All or nothing. Good or bad. No middle ground. Or is there? The fun and reality of life in the grey and middle ground. I've been trying over control a lot of things for the last ten years because I wasn't the controller of the ten years of my life previous to that. But, it's impossible to control everything. And it's exhausting. I can only control my thoughts, actions and behaviours as I go about my life.