2023: A Year in Review
I’ve not done resolutions for years and instead, I decided to switch to goals and that’s working much better for me. There’s less pressure that way, and as it’s a goal, I’ve something to work towards.
I honestly can’t remember if I made any goals at the beginning of 2023, other than completing therapy and making it to the end of the year, by making it to the end of each day.
Job Update Two Years In
Because I have done the work to look at my limiting beliefs and gained an honest view of who I actually am from facts and not from someone’s opinion of who they think I am or who they believe I am, my confidence has grown. My anxiety has lowered, and I'm much better at stopping negative thoughts now, so I don’t get stuck in a negative self-talk track and end up in a downward spiral.
The Choices We Make
I used to wonder ‘what if’ until I realised there wasn't anything I could do to change the past. What happened, happened, and there’s nothing I can do to change it. It’s done. Set in stone. It’s not changing.
What I can do is learn from the mistakes I’ve made and try to make wiser choices in the future. I believe there are events mapped out in our lives that will happen, both good and bad, and we can’t do anything to stop them.