August Break Week One
I’ve signed up for Susannah Conway’s August Break again this year. She comes up with an optional prompt for each day of the month originally, coming up with the idea when she wanted a small break about ten years ago from blogging. Instead, she decided to post a photo every day to her blog for the month of August. This was in the days way before Instagram, although the August Break now it lends itself perfectly to the social media platform. Over the last few years, Susannah has also created an optional Facebook group for the people wanting to create a small online community around the challenge. Here is a list of the prompts that Susannah has suggested for this year.
Some year’s I’ve not managed to complete the whole month, but it is, of course, all optional. You don’t have to post every day and you don’t even have to post a photo that’s relevant to the prompt. It’s more bout paying attention to your surroundings, getting out of your bubble and seeing what the world looks like.
August 1st
Morning Light
I love mornings, the day is full of possibilities and some mornings the light is spellbinding.
August 2nd
Near where I live there’s this paint tube squished into the tarmac and as someone who went to art college for many years, I love seeing this and it always makes me smile when I spot it.
August 3rd
I have four tattoos. This one is on my left wrist, I designed it myself and it's from the song 'Que Sera Sera’ which my grandma used to sing to all her grandchildren. It's also been a reminder over some tough years recently that ‘whatever will be, will be.’
August 4th
My reading selection is as eclectic as my music. There are autobiography’s, crime, fantasy and self-help books, it all depends on what I need to read and often read a fiction book alongside an autobiography or self-help book.
August 5th
In lieu of a significant other, here are a few of my crushes that have come to mind at the moment; Taylor Kinney, Daniel Rengering, Patrick Flueger and David Boreanaz. *drools a little looking at their photos*
I will try to keep up with the daily prompts on Instagram and will also try to do a weekly post on here of all the images I’ve chosen for the prompts.
Here’s to the first week. It's always really interesting seeing the different ways that people interpret the prompts.